
"The mass of data generated daily by the aerospace industry overwhelms human understanding."

Jaime Carbonell, the Allen Newell University Professor of Computer Science and director of the Language Technologies Institute.


Aviation is central to the modern way of life with more aircraft in the skies than ever before. However, with so much demand on the industry keeping those aircraft running in peak condition can be expensive and often requires frequent maintenance by highly skilled technicians. Fortunately, the engines used today for flight have sensors that can record detailed information about their condition and use. By utilising the power of advanced analytics, the data that these sensors collect can predict the remaining lifespan of the engine components. With that information it is possible to change from a pre-set schedule of maintenance used in preventative maintenance to one that delivers repairs based on the condition of the parts themselves. In this way airlines are able to deploy their technician resources in a more cost effective and efficient way. Furthermore, this form of maintenance is arguably a safer option as once an engine or part shows signs of degradation it is seen to immediately rather than being discovered and dealt with during the aircrafts scheduled round of planned maintenance.

Aircraft operators also make use of Data Science when looking at optimal route planning. Through analysis of weather patterns and resource allocation operators are able to plan in real time the best possible route of an aircraft that will be both the safest and most cost effective to the airline.

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